Assisting you in birthing a new reality that aligns with your soul’s purpose.
Monthly workshops
Ongoing workshops are a joyful and unique blend of artistry, channeled guidance, and meditative activations. Monthly gatherings are based on women-centred themes that explore various topics related to self-transformation and the expansion of our consciousness.
Self-transformation: one-on-one sessions
All self-transformation begins with an acceptance of what is arising in the now moment. Only that which you can fully accept can be transformed. This is the first step in releasing what no longer serves you in fully awakening your authentic self who exists beyond the limitations of fear.
Inspirational writings
From Out of The Blue is a poetic, consciousness-expanding autobiographical book that is graceful and sacred. It is a moving collection of personal stories and colour photographs imbued with the higher frequencies of the crystal kingdom, the sacred sites of Hawaii, Grand Canyon, Peru, and the cosmic realms.
SAFE: a transformational practice for inner peace
Surrender Be fully present by relinquishing the need to control your experiences.
Accept Allow what is arising to be received free of judgement, fear and resistance.
Feel Trust you can feel deep into your heart without being consumed by emotion.
Explore Observe all that is unfolding with curiosity and child-like wonder.